Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Tripping Down Blog Memory Lane (with E.O. Wilson, Keith Devlin, & John Baez)

Now that you're all taking up pickleball back to a little math....
Awhile back I was looking over the history of this blog checking on which posts had the most traffic over its 8+ year run. Most of the popular posts were understandable to me, but one simple, innocuous post from over 5 years ago cracked the top five and I don't really know why:

It was a basic post referencing a controversial stance E.O. Wilson publicly took on math education that was getting a lot of buzz at the time (and maybe that post simply got caught up in the buzz?). At the end I added a link to a far more interesting post taking issue with Wilson, but otherwise really don’t know why the post stood so high on the list…

I also scanned the 45 interviews I've done thus far and noticed the most popular by far, perhaps not surprisingly given his name recognition, was my first interview with Keith Devlin over 6 years ago:
And anyone following Dr. Devlin on Twitter knows he has a lot to say on things other than just mathematics.

Further looking over some historical blog data I stumbled on a link passed along over two years ago to a John Baez post on proofs that I think is particularly fun/interesting and also worth revisiting:

At well over 2000 posts now, I like looking back at some of those that were the most fun or interesting to me. Currently, for awhile, I'll be using Wednesdays to re-run some of those, especially for newer readers who never saw them the first time around.

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