Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The Clever Fisherman

Just another fun, previously-used puzzler today. I got it originally from a Marilyn vos Savant Parade Magazine column, and it's simple and clever, with the ring of a 'lateral-thinking' type puzzle (and probably a good one to show young arithmetricians!):

A fellow is in town to buy a 5-ft. fishing pole. Following the purchase he begins to board a bus home, but the driver informs him that objects longer than 4 ft. are NOT permitted on the bus. Disappointed, the fellow walks back to the store, only to emerge briefly later, still with the same fishing pole, and boards a bus with no problem. 
What has he done (...and no, the pole has not been collapsed, telescoped, or in any other way adjusted or changed)?
.answer below


he placed the pole diagonally in a 3 x 4 cardboard box and walked on-board with the box.

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