Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Garden of Math

The Web is such an endless supplier of delight… just came across yet another math blog I was previously unfamiliar with and want to pass along:

It's titled "Math Garden" (subheaded "Math for the curious") and appears to only post a few entries each month but they are wonderful little gems of textbook-like explication.
The author writes that "This is a math blog written with the intention to stimulate math curiosity in young school children. The author, Dongvu Tonien, won a silver medal in the 35th International Mathematical Olympiad in 1994 and obtained his PhD in Computer Science in 2005."
Well, I don't think you need to be a 'young school child' to enjoy these posts, just curious and young-at-heart maybe.

Posts cover a number of different mathematical topics, as indicated in the right-hand column. Here's a nice geometry example, on "the power of a point with respect to a circle":

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