Wednesday, February 13, 2013

More Stats… & a Question

Two more recent views of the rise of statistics:

1) the positive from Marie Davidian here, ending with, "Statistical thinking will one day be as necessary for efficient citizenship as the ability to read and write" (supposedly a quote from HG Wells):

and 2) a somewhat cautionary take (regarding "big data" and how it leads to increased spurious claims) from the usually irascible, often provocative, always wary, writer Nassim Taleb here:

And on a complete side note a simple question I'm curious about:

The prior post (Monday) referred to the "pigeon-hole principle" and caused me to wonder just how mathematical "principles" and mathematical "axioms" or "postulates" are distinguished by formal definition in math? … both represent (it seems) strong underlying intuitive assumptions. From googling around a bit, it appears to me that axioms/postulates may be a sub-category of "principles," which are specifically implemented to derive theorems through logical steps (while "principles" are a broader category of assumptions that also lead to other results, but not restricted to theorems). Am I on the right track, or if I'm not can someone set me straight with the correct, precise distinction?

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