Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Beautiful Math!

Interestingly, this "business" site is listing "the 11 most beautiful math equations" (you have to click through them one-by-one):


EXXXXXCEPT that it DOESN'T include Euler's most famous identity (even though it includes another Euler formula). How is that possible??? Is the below not THE MOST beautiful equation in mathematics by near-unanimous decree!?:

Anyway, if you've practiced enough with Vi Hart, you may be able to follow along with this fellow!:


==> AFTER composing the above post I discovered Keith Devlin, writing on Twitter, saying he had indeed submitted Euler's Identity for the above article but somehow it didn't make the cut... UNbelievable!!


Anonymous said...

"Is the below not THE MOST beautiful equation in mathematics by near-unanimous decree!?"

No, it's barely a step above truth by definition, and it's high time people stop over-glorifying it. Of course when we define e^(ix) to be cos(x)+i*sin(x), we get Euler's formula. It's nothing more than the compound formula

Jerry Tuttle said...

I liked 1 = .999... which I agree is a great mystery to students. The Pythagorean Theorem is intriguing because its converse is also true. And of course, how could the equation relating e, pi, 0, 1 and i not be one of the most beautiful equations?
