Friday, September 21, 2018

Chi-i-i-i-i-i-ll Friday…

For some variety, awhile back Evelyn Lamb introduced a feature to her Twitter stream of sharing a musical entry once each week. I kinda like the idea (and hey, there's a lot of math within music!), so will experiment with posting a music video (usually instrumental), without commentary, here at the blog every Friday.
In my case it’s not for variety, nor for your edification, BUT, for my sanity! ;)))  
By Friday, the current White House usually has me a tad bonkers, and a little meditative sojourn seems to be in order heading into the weekend. So we'll call it “Chi-i-i-i-i-i-ll Friday…” -- feel free to skip over these Friday interludes if not to your taste, just me here chillin’ out.
Have a pleasant weekend everyone:

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