Monday, August 4, 2014

Fiction and Non-Fiction

Want some novel math....

Not much of a fiction reader myself… but if I were, this site listing over 1100 entries of math-related fiction might interest me (broken down below by several categories, including novels, films, short stories, TV, comics, etc.): other matters, someone writes me asking for the answer to a Richard Wiseman puzzle I posted over at MathTango on Friday. The puzzle read as follows:

Can you create a 10-digit number, where the first digit is how many zeros in the number, the second digit is how many 1s in the number etc. until the tenth digit which is how many 9s in the number.

Richard has posted the correct answer, with all the reader-comments, indicating the range of approaches people took toward a solution here:
If you don't care to check out Richard's post the solution is below:
answer:  6210001000

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