Wednesday, September 29, 2010

ALL Data/Knowledge on a Computer

For Real??

It's not April 1st so I guess Stephen Wolfram's stated goal to make ALL the world's data computable is a real one...: (very long post... transcript actually)

Wolfram lays forth his belief that it may be algorithmically possible to save ALL the world's data/knowledge into a working computer format for practical use:

"The idea is: take all the systematic knowledge—and data—that our civilization has accumulated, and somehow make it computable. Make it so that given any specific question one wants to ask, one can just compute the answer on the basis of that knowledge and data."

Although admitting to skepticism earlier on that this could be achieved, Wolfram (encouraged by the huge success of his Mathematica program) now seems optimistic that it is do-able.

Meanhwile, for the audiophiles, a new (hour-long) math podcast here:

Finally, I awoke this morning to find this problem posted on Twitter:

Between them, two numbers use all the digits (1 thru 9). What are they, such that their product is as big as possible?


1 comment:

ingdas said...

I reasoned the two numbers have to have decreasing digits, then the following haskell program did the rest to find the answer to your number problem: 87531*9642 = 843973902

module Main where
import Data.List
import Data.Ord

subPairs ls = drop (div (length dAnswer) 2) dAnswer
b = subsequences ls
dAnswer = tail $ init $ zip b (reverse b)

fromDigits :: [Integer] -> Integer
fromDigits [] = 0
fromDigits x = foldl1 (\n m->10*n+m) x

main = print $ maximumBy (comparing (\(x,y)->x*y))
$ map (\(x,y)->(fromDigits x,fromDigits y))
(subPairs [9,8..1])