Monday, January 9, 2017

Interviews… anyone?

Have done ~40 transcribed interviews here (well, mostly at MathTango) over the years, so maybe can push it to 50 this year.  Always have a few possible names in the back of my mind, but if you are a math-enthusiast willing to be interviewed please let me know... 
You may be someone with a popular math-related book out or on its way, or someone with a blog or website you want to publicize a bit (though I may have reservations about some strictly commercial sites); or maybe you're involved in education or 'big data,' or some other applied area of professional math. Or finally maybe you simply enjoy talking math for some other reason. Don’t be shy… drop me a note at:  SheckyR [at a acct.]

OR, if you're not interested in being interviewed, but know someone you’d enjoy seeing  interviewed feel free to send their name along (and if possible their email address).
Thanks in advance....

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